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本着圣. John Baptist de La Salle, 大发彩票平台登录的神学系提供学术和精神上的丰富.
严格的大学预备课程和神学选修课继续邀请学生认识和接受神圣, 尊严, and value of their lives and to grow in knowledge, understanding and praxis of the Roman Catholic faith and tradition.

教师, 工作人员, 学生和他们的家庭合作,创造一个由祈祷支持的培育学习环境, 礼拜仪式, 撤退, and on-going community service. 大发彩票平台自豪地百分之百地忠于罗马天主教会的训导并忠于教皇弗朗西斯.



  • 圣经

    Students will be able to explain 圣经 using a variety of traditional Catholic methods, as well as apply it to our modern world.
    1. Analyze and synthesize 圣经 using the Catholic approach
    2. Understand  the covenantal invitation of 圣经 and its application
    3. 研究和利用各种资源,从官方文件到在线资源
  • 基督论

    Students will be able to 在基督的逾越奥迹和大发彩票平台的救恩中,理解基督作为完全的神和完全的人的动力 (Grad at Grad: Faith in the Presence of God, Concern for the Poor and 社会正义, Excellence in Education, Respect for All Persons, Participation within Inclusive Community) 
    1. Demonstrate the essential understandings that reveal Jesus as man, God and Second Person of the Trinity.
    2. Define and analyze the Paschal Mystery in order to evaluate its role in salvation
  • 天主教堂

    Students will be able to 透过圣灵的能力,解释教会的本质,以及教会与现代世界的关系. (Grad at Grad: Faith in the Presence of God, Concern for the Poor and 社会正义, Excellence in Education, Respect for All Persons, Participation within Inclusive Community) 
    1. 阐明基督如何通过他的身体、教会和圣灵的能力继续临在
    2. 确定教会传福音、恢复圣洁和受苦的使命
  • 祈祷

    Students will be able to 体验祷告的各种元素,以及它们在大发彩票平台与神的关系中的重要性. (Grad at Grad: Faith in the Presence of God, Concern for the Poor and 社会正义, Excellence in Education, Respect for All Persons, Participation within Inclusive Community) 
    1. Understand, describe and analyze prayer and its practices
    2. Explain how the elements of prayer reveal the qualities of God
    3. Discern movements within the heart and respond to God authentically
  • 人的尊严

    Students will be able to 理解大发彩票平台和其他人的尊严的本质是按照上帝的形象和样式创造的. (Grad at Grad: Faith in the Presence of God, Concern for the Poor and 社会正义, Excellence in Education, Respect for All Persons, Participation within Inclusive Community) 
    1. 证明上帝赋予他们的尊严是全人类固有的,也是他们对意义的追求.
    2. Examine the key philosophical, 道德和社会正义的真理和尊严的问题,并产生一个基督教的回应
  • John Baptist 德拉萨

    ​Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the ministry and mission of St. John Baptist 德拉萨, 基督教兄弟会和喇沙修士灵修对年轻人教育的影响. (Grad at Grad: Faith in the Presence of God, Concern for the Poor and 社会正义, Excellence in Education, Respect for All Persons, Participation within Inclusive Community) 
    1. Analyze the major events and writings in the life of 德拉萨
    2. Apply the vision of de la Salle to their personal life experiences. 



  • 斯科特Dirrane

  • 马修Degitis

    BA in 英语 Lit and Secondary Education, University of Colorado
    MA in Theological Studies, Liberty University
  • 德里克。爱德华兹

  • Dominique Fresquez '17

  • 凯蒂紫色

  • 梅根·科尔

  • Wivina Vigil-Marin

    BA in Religious Studies, Higher Diocesan Religious Institute of Gent, Belgium
    MA in Religious Studies, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium



  • Applied Spirituality

    Drawing on the knowledge of prayer, 天主教的实践, 道德, history and beliefs that students have gained during previous years of theology, 这个顶点课程旨在帮助学生发展精神实践, within the context of a Lasallian Roman Catholic school. The emphasis in the class is on spiritual growth, deeper understanding of self, God and 其他人 and the vocation to love.
  • 生物伦理学

    生物伦理学是对与医学和生物学相关的现代技术以及它们如何影响人类尊严的探索. The course focuses on what it means to be human from the biological, philosophical and spiritual perspectives. Foundational scientific understandings including the Big Bang Theory, 进化, 胚胎学, 干细胞研究, 生育能力, 生命终结问题, and current issues in the news are studied. 最后, 的道德, 有争议的技术的法律和政治影响是通过天主教会关于人类尊严的教义来审查的.
  • Comparative Religions

    这门课程是对包括印度教在内的世界主要宗教的比较研究, 佛教, 儒家思想, 道教, 犹太教, 伊斯兰教, and Native American Spirituality. Under the mandate of Vatican II, this class seeks to discover "what is true and holy in these religions.“对体验和文化的强调会引起世界人民的同情和理解.
  • Morality - Human Nature

    这门课程的目的是帮助学生探索什么是快乐,通过实现大发彩票平台的人性,并选择做好事. 具体地说, 它将建立在《大发彩票平台》中学到的真理的基本原则之上,以便理解道德的普遍本质. 学生将了解自由和良心的作用,以及做出道德决定的步骤. 除了, 十诫和八福将被检查,以帮助学生了解他们的道德责任.
  • Morality - Nature of Love

    本课程将探讨爱的定义和本质,因为它在三位一体中被揭示,并被视为人性的一部分. 学生们会发现,成就感在于自我的礼物,以及他们如何选择将其应用到他们的生活中. John Paul II’s 神学 of the Body and other Catholic teachings, will be used to examine the implications for friendship, 约会, 婚姻, 还有家庭生活. 最后,学生将研究人类性行为的基础知识和大发彩票平台的文化面临的挑战.
  • 新约

    救恩历史的研究在耶稣基督的生平和教导中达到圆满, as revealed in the Gospels, St的字母. Paul and witnesses of the early Church. The 新约 will be studied through the historical, 文化, 政治, and theological background of the first century world, 另外, the foundation and early tradition of the Church will be studied. 学生将挑战体验基督的逾越奥迹作为爱上帝的邀请, 其他人, 和自我.
  • 基督教的《大发彩票平台登录》

    通过阅读旧约圣经,学生将发现神的救恩计划和他的圣约计划.  他们也会发现旧约圣经如何预备和预言耶稣基督和教会的来临. This class will also include information about the life of our founder, St. John Baptist de la Salle and the legacy he left. 
  • Reasons for the Faith

    本课程旨在帮助学生了解认识和拥抱真理中的美好事物的重要性, in a world filled with relativism.  Through an exploration of logical thinking, classical philosophy, the question of what faith is, the many ways to prove things, and the Catholic approach to understanding God, students will work to comprehend these realities in their own lives.  最后,学生们将被鼓励去探索为什么与上帝的关系对大发彩票平台有好处.
  • 社会正义

    Catholic Social Teaching is based on the life and works of Jesus Christ. This course will examine issues of social justice, including economic equality, 移民, 比赛, 生态, war and violence through the lens of Catholic Social teaching. Through civil discourse, 学生将会就威胁所有按天主的形像和样式所造之人的尊严的社会问题发表意见.